ViroGates is an international Medtech company headquartered North of Copenhagen, in the heart of Medicon Valley.

Virogates Team

About ViroGates

ViroGates was founded in 2001 based on an invention from Hvidovre University Hospital, Denmark.

Inventor and co-founder Jesper Eugen-Olsen initially discovered the utility of the biomarker suPAR in HIV. More than 900 publications have followed, substantiating suPAR as one of the most promising prognostic biomarkers across diseases. ViroGates has developed a patented product line called suPARnostic® to make the suPAR test commercially available.

The suPAR biomarker predicts patient outcomes across diseases by measuring the activation level of the immune system. suPARnostic® is a fast and reliable prognostic biomarker that enables healthcare professionals to make quick and informed patient triaging decisions in emergency departments.

Implementing suPARnostic® in clinical care saves critical resources and valuable time and results in vastly reduced healthcare costs, more efficient triage, and better patient outcomes.

suPARnostic® delivers faster and safer patient discharges, reduces readmissions, avoids unnecessary admissions, and lowers hospital length of stay.

Seamlessly implemented by clinicians and laboratory technicians, suPARnostic® products fit existing workflows in hospitals, are approved for all the major clinical chemistry analyzers, and deliver results in less than 20 minutes.

How suPARnostic® works at the Emergency department

Step 1

A patient is admitted to the emergency department for observation

Blood test tube

Step 2

The patient’s blood sample is drawn

Step 3

The patient’s suPAR level is measured at the central lab
(~20 minutes) and fits existing hospital workflow.

Step 4

The physician gets the result and makes a triage decision

“Wanted to share with you our latest study comparing suPAR assays. It places ViroGates suPARnostic® as the gold standard for measuring suPAR (1)”

– Dr. Salim Hayek, Medical Director, Michigan Medicine Frankel, Cardiovascular Center Clinics
Author of two New England Journal of Medicine papers about suPAR (2,3)

Our Vision and Mission

We envision a healthcare system where the suPAR biomarker makes a difference by providing information that empowers clinicians to save lives and provide patients with the treatment they need.

Read 1000+ published suPAR studies in leading medical journals

suPAR and inflammation in Nature Medicine medical and scientific Journal
suPAR and inflammation in The New England Journal of Medicine
suPAR and inflammation in Science AAAS Journal
suPAR and inflammation in JAMA medical and scientific journal

The suPARnostic® brand consists of three products:

Quick Triage

A Point of Care Solution

Quick Triage


For Automated Systems



Clinical and Research

suPARnostic® by ViroGates