Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Member States adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the year 2015 as a universal undertaking aiming to end poverty, protect our planet and ensure peace and prosperity for everyone by the year 2030.

All countries and parts of society need to play their part in order to fulfill these goals. Ending poverty and other hardships is always tied to putting effort into improving factors such as health, education, equality and economic growth.

ViroGates also recognizes that making a valuable contribution to society goes beyond research, development and marketing of new vital medical products. It starts within the company itself and is the heart of how we do business socially, ethically, environmentally and financially.

Good Health and Well-Being

ViroGates subscribes to the SDGs and we take pride in the fact that our company can contribute to fulfilling four of the targets related to Good Health and Well-Being by 2030:

  • Reduce the mortality rate among pregnant women to less than 70 per 100,000 live births
  • Reduce mortality rates of infants and children under 5 years of age, aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least 25 per 1,000 live births
  • Stop the spread of AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other illnesses
  • Reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by one third

We have shown that our suPARnostic® technologies can aid in prognosticating patients with HIV1 and tuberculosis2  in 3rd world countries and we continuously strive to implement our technologies to aid in patient referral and risk identification. We are currently in progress determining whether suPAR can improve care for patients with febrile illnesses in resource-limited settings3

One of the ways we have actively contributed to this goal, in addition to providing a biomarker that helps with risk identification, is to build laboratories supported by the EU FP6 program in one of the world’s poorest counties Guinea Bissau. See a video about our work here.

Good Health and Well-Being

Responsible Consumption and Production

We are also making an effort to fulfill the following targets related to Responsible Consumption and Production:

  • Achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
  • Reduce waste through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
  • Adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into our reporting cycle
Responsible Consumption and Production

1: Oliveira, I., Andersen, A., Furtado, A., Medina, C., da Silva, D., da Silva, Z. J., Aaby, P., Laursen, A. L., Wejse, C., Eugen-Olsen, J., & Bissau HIV cohort study group (2012). Assessment of simple risk markers for early mortality among HIV-infected patients in Guinea-Bissau: a cohort study. BMJ open2(6), e001587.
2: Rudolf, F., Wagner, A. J., Back, F. M., Gomes, V. F., Aaby, P., Østergaard, L., Eugen-Olsen, J., & Wejse, C. (2017). Tuberculosis case finding and mortality prediction: added value of the clinical TBscore and biomarker suPAR. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease21(1), 67–72.
3. Chandna A, Osborn J, Bassat Q, et alAnticipating the future: prognostic tools as a complementary strategy to improve care for patients with febrile illnesses in resource-limited settingsBMJ Global Health 2021;6:e006057.

Want to know more about suPAR?

Read 1000+ published suPAR studies in leading medical journals

suPAR and inflammation in Nature Medicine medical and scientific Journal
suPAR and inflammation in The New England Journal of Medicine
suPAR and inflammation in Science AAAS Journal
suPAR and inflammation in JAMA medical and scientific journal

The suPARnostic® brand consists of three products:

Quick Triage

A Point of Care Solution

Quick Triage


For Automated Systems



Clinical and Research

suPARnostic® by ViroGates