Empowering clinical decisions

suPARnostic® empowers healthcare professionals to lead patient triage with confidence by making better-informed decisions backed by reliable biological data across diseases.

Implementing the biomarker suPAR in triage and clinical care delivers faster and safer patient discharges, reduces re-admissions, unnecessary admissions, as well as hospital length-of-stay. – Freeing up critical resources, valuable time, and saving hospital beds for those who need them. Incorporating suPAR in triage has benefits for patients, clinicians and Emergency Department.

How to interpret suPAR results

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suPARcharging triage – Empowering clinical decisions
Did you know that suPAR-guided acute clinical triage can identify 13% more low-risk patients, 
reduce the moderate risk category by 18% and identify 4% more high-risk patients?

suPARnostic® video

Improve patient care

Up to 22% reduction in hospital admissions and up to 6% reduction in hospital length-of-stay per patient

Reduce healthcare costs

Up to €100-380 savings per admission depending on medical specialty and geography

Empower clinical staff

Get more information to make more confident decisions to potentially reduce uncertainty

“it is essential to have the help of biomarkers, such as suPAR, which can support the discharge decision”

Juan González del Castillo,

Dr PhD, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Spain

suPAR News Vol. 1, April 2019

How suPARnostic® works at the emergency department

Step 1

A patient is admitted to the emergency department for observation

Blood test tube

Step 2

The patient’s blood sample is drawn


Step 3

The patient’s suPAR level is measured at the central lab
(~20 minutes) and fits existing hospital workflow.

Step 4

The physician gets the result and makes a triage decision

suPAR is a significant independent predictor of mortality of emergency department patients

AllsuPAR ≤ 4 ng/mLsuPAR > 4 and < 6 ng/mLsuPAR ≥ 6 ng/mlP Value
Discharge < 24 H N785462215108< 0.001
30 Day pre-admitted N379131121127< 0.001
Readmission 30 Days N3681531141010,14
Mortality 7 Days N343922< 0.001
Mortality 30 Days N8162550< 0.001
Mortality 90 Days N13884387< 0.001
* Santeri, S., Peter, A.A., Kristiina, N. et al. suPAR cut-offs for stratification of low, medium, and high-risk acute medical patients in the emergency department. BMC Emerg Med 21, 149 (2021).

Read 1000+ published suPAR studies in leading medical journals

suPAR and inflammation in Nature Medicine medical and scientific Journal
suPAR and inflammation in The New England Journal of Medicine
suPAR and inflammation in Science AAAS Journal
suPAR and inflammation in JAMA medical and scientific journal

The suPARnostic® brand consists of three products:

Quick Triage

A Point of Care Solution

Quick Triage


For Automated Systems



Clinical and Research

suPARnostic® by ViroGates