Technical documents

Below you can find relevant documents and files for our three product lines. This includes user instructions, quick guides, and links for software updates.

You can find also answers to the most common questions about suPAR and suPARnostic® on our FAQ page.

Below table contain documents related to our suPARnostic® TurbiLatex Kit :

 Product Category Language
Reagents (#T001)Instructions for use


Calibrators (#T020)Instruction for use


Controls (#T030)Instruction for use


Reagents (#T001)Application notesArchitect, #C501,#C111,#C303,#C503,#C701,#XPT,#BC5800,Alinity,Atellica

The table below contains documents related to our suPARnostic® Quick Triage kit, the reader.

 ProductCategory Language Platform
suPARnostic QT FLEX ReaderUser ManualUK
aLF ReaderInstruction for useUKFRGRHRCZ
Quick Triage Kit (#PI331)Instruction for useUKsuPARnostic QT FLEX Reader
Quick Triage Kit (#M032)Quick GuideUKsuPARnostic QT FLEX Reader
Quick Triage Kit (#A003)Quick GuideUKFRESGRaLF Reader
Online assistanceOnline assistanceUK

The below table contains documents related to our suPARnostic® ELISA Kit.

Most automated ELISA processors are able to calculate the results automatically through the delivered software. Alternatively, ViroGates has developed a program for calculation of suPAR values from ABS 450nm values.

Please find the calculation tool and the user guide here:

 ProductCategory Language
AUTO Flex ELISA KitInstruction for useUK
AUTO Flex ELISA KitQuick GuideUK
AUTO Flex ELISA KitCalculation toolUK
AUTO Flex ELISA KitUser Guide – Calculation ToolUK
AUTO Flex ELISA KitCoA2404-E1-2, 2408-E1-1

Here you can see the non-recyclable plastic content in all of our products.

suPARnostic® Non-reusable plastic

Read 1000+ published suPAR studies in leading medical journals

suPAR and inflammation in Nature Medicine medical and scientific Journal
suPAR and inflammation in The New England Journal of Medicine
suPAR and inflammation in Science AAAS Journal
suPAR and inflammation in JAMA medical and scientific journal

The suPARnostic® brand consists of three products:

Quick Triage

A Point of Care Solution

Quick Triage


For Automated Systems



Clinical and Research

suPARnostic® by ViroGates